Deluxe Starter Program

Nov 9, 2017
Client Education


Welcome to Courtney Taylor's Deluxe Starter Program, an exceptional offering within the Arts & Entertainment industry. If you are passionate about Visual Arts and Design, our program is designed to accelerate your creative journey through a well-rounded curriculum and personalized guidance.

Discover Your Creative Potential

Are you eager to explore your artistic abilities and channel your creativity into a fulfilling career? Look no further! By joining our Deluxe Starter Program, you will embark on an inspiring and transformative experience, empowering you to unleash your creative potential.

Comprehensive Curriculum

At Courtney Taylor, we believe that a strong foundation is key to success in the Arts & Entertainment industry. Our Deluxe Starter Program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of visual arts and design disciplines.

1. Drawing and Sketching

Master the fundamental techniques of drawing and sketching, enabling you to observe and capture the world around you with precision and artistic flair. With hands-on exercises and expert guidance, you will develop your skills and unleash your creativity on paper.

2. Painting Techniques

Immerse yourself in the world of painting and discover various techniques, from acrylics to watercolors. Learn how to handle different mediums, mix colors, and create captivating compositions. Our program provides you with the tools to express your ideas through captivating visual masterpieces.

3. Graphic Design

Enter the dynamic realm of graphic design and develop your skills in digital art creation. Learn industry-standard software and explore principles of typography, layout design, and visual communication. By the end of the program, you will be equipped with the necessary skills to create stunning digital artwork.

4. Photography

Unleash your creativity with a focus on photography. Understand the technical aspects of lighting, composition, and post-processing techniques. Capture compelling images that tell stories and evoke emotions, taking your photography skills to new heights.

Personalized Guidance

At Courtney Taylor, we understand that each artist's journey is unique. Our Deluxe Starter Program offers personalized guidance to help you nurture your talents and achieve your creative goals. Throughout the program, our experienced instructors will provide valuable feedback, support, and mentorship tailored to your individual needs.

Workshops and Exhibitions

As part of our commitment to fostering a vibrant artistic community, we offer various workshops and exhibitions where you can showcase your artwork to a wider audience. Connect with fellow artists, gain exposure, and receive valuable feedback from art enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Join the Deluxe Starter Program Today

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will elevate your artistic skills and open doors to endless opportunities? Join Courtney Taylor's Deluxe Starter Program and bring your creative vision to life. Don't let your talent go untapped - enroll now and unleash your creative potential!

Dhamayanthi N
Nice program! 🎨✨ Perfect for anyone looking to unleash their creative potential and enhance their artistic skills.
Nov 11, 2023